For Coaches

Table of Contents



Travel Coaches — Requirements You Need to Fulfill

For Rivertowns United travel teams that participate in the Westchester Youth Soccer League (WYSL) or an Elite Development Program (EDP) league, the leagues require every coach and assistant coach meet the league’s standards and complete a set of requirements to be eligible to coach. The requirements are in place for the safety and well-being of our youth athletes, and are set forth by the national governing bodies that the leagues are under.

Annually, coaches need to register as coaches to indicate their participation for that soccer year. Once registered, coaches will be able to access a coach dashboard, where that year’s requirements will be listed, and the status will be shown (if fulfilled or not). Some items need to be completed each year. Others, every two years, or just one time, ever.

NOTE: Travel coaches and AYSO coaches have DIFFERENT requirements. If you only coach a travel team, do only the travel requirements. If you only coach AYSO, do only the AYSO requirements. If you coach both, do both.


Coaches, managers, or a designated team parent need to report the game score after WYSL games, by 10 am Mondays following Saturday or Sunday games. Referees do NOT report the scores.

Scores are reported via a GotSport form — the address to the score reporting form changes each season — here are 2 ways to access any season:

1. Go to the WYSL website ( — Schedules/Scores tab — select Reporting Scores from the list

2. Go to your team’s GotSport schedule page — “Scoring Input” link at bottom

Here is the Spring 2023 address:

The PIN has been the same for the past several seasons: 7698

Knowing the match number is the fastest way to locate the game in the search.

PLEASE NOTE: WYSL team pages for U11 and older display scores/standings.

Team pages for U10 and younger don’t display scores/standings, but the league needs the scores entered for seeding purposes.

Technically, the home team should submit the score, but whoever gets there first can do it. If it has already been entered, the system will show the score.


For WYSL teams, if your game schedule shows a home TBS (or TBA) match, here’s some basic helpful info. Refer to the WYSL site for comprehensive info.

— TBS = To Be Scheduled | TBS = To Be Added

— The home team is responsible for trying to schedule TBS or TBA games.

— Reach out to the RUFC field coordinator to schedule a TBS or TBA game. Before doing so, look at the RUFC master schedule for the season (a shared google sheet) to see available / open times on Saturdays and weekdays. For Sundays, use GotSport to see the schedule for each field (as a courtesy, a tab of the master schedule has all the RUFC field links for the season).

– Once you nail down a couple available times, check in with your opponent to agree on a date/time.

— After field time and opponent are confirmed, inform WYSL of the change so they can make it official — it gets added to the GotSport schedule so that the field space does not get double booked, and also so that the referee assignor sees the game in the referee system. GotSport houses the dynamic schedule — it gets updated as schedules change. For Saturday and weekday games, the field coordinator needs to add them to the club master so make sure the field coordinator gets updated info.

— Here’s who to email at WYSL — CC the opposing team’s coach or coaches: Lee D’Argenio, WYSL Registrar Terry Benson, WYSL Scheduler

Here’s what to include in the email: Full name of your team (club name and team name): Full name of opponent team (club name and team name): Age group / gender / bracket of team: For example: U9 Boys Gold or U12 Girls G 12-1 Game #: Original game date / time / location: Requested game date / time / location: Reason for request: State both teams agree on the schedule request.

NOTE — WYSL had a form for rescheduling games, but there was no receipt or confirmation – so for a few coaches, the request fell through the cracks and they had no proof they had submitted it.

— WYSL should acknowledge receipt of the email, and once they enter the new game time into GotSport, coaches on both teams get an email from GotSport confirming the schedule change. The game will then appear on your team’s online schedule and will also be in the ref system so that a ref can sign up for the game.


Every Rivertowns United travel team has B for Boys or G for Girls and birth year as part of the official team name, for example:

B07 Lightning Bolts [translation: the Lightning Bolts are boys born in 2007 – this does not preclude a couple 2008s playing up]

G11 Wildcats [translation: the Wildcats are girls born in 2011 – this does not preclude a couple 2012s playing up]

The prefix is like a zip code — meaningful administratively, but not needed in conversation or emails or pep talks. When talking to players or emailing families, just say “The Wildcats had a great game yesterday!” On the sidelines, cheer “Go Bolts!” (not “Go B07 Lightning Bolts!”).

Teams change divisions each year (U9, U10, U11 and on up) but their birth year stays the same and is “glued” into the team name.


Here is a list of resources if you are interested in more playing opportunities for your team. Rivertowns travel teams have participated in a variety of supplemental activities, including tournaments, cup competitions, indoor winter leagues, and more.
Email [email protected] if you want to be connected to a coach with insight into a specific event OR if you have additional items to increase the usefulness of this page.
Helpful tip — Players on a team that signs up for an event can be a combination of players from the age group (or playing up). If not everyone on your team is available, connect with other coaches about creating an event-specific team.

* Because links to the seasonal tournaments change, please use a search engine to find the most up-to-date information.

Presidents Weekend – Ophir Field @ Harrison
Spring Pre-season – White Plains Youth Soccer Association Spring Preseason., Shrub Oak AC Ice Breaker Tournament
Memorial Day Weekend — Scarsdale FC, FC Transylvania @ South Salem), East Fishkill
Father’s Day Weekend – North Rockland FC
Labor Day Weekend — Yorktown FC, John Jay FC @ South Salem
Fall Pre-season – White Plains Youth Soccer Assoc.
Columbus Day Weekend – Poughkeepsie FC, Landsdowne Yonkers FC
Thanksgiving Weekend — North Rockland FC

Tournament Search / Clearinghouse:

Indoor Winter Leagues:

Armonk Indoor Sports Center
Chelsea Piers @ Stamford
Mt. Vernon Sports Underdome

Cup Competitions:
*Cup games might require home-field commitments — check with our club president and field coordinator before applying.

NY State Cup:
EDP NY League Cup: