
Field closures, rainouts, and any cancellations that we have advance notice of are exclusively announced through email.

Here’s our system:

On Saturday or Sunday, dedicated volunteers check the fields at 7:00 am following recent rain to ensure safe conditions. The field-checkers communicate, decisions are made, and dedicated volunteers send an email blast to all registered parents. The messages are generally sent by 8:00 am.

Please appreciate their efforts — they are setting their alarms on Saturday and Sunday mornings — and if you are an early riser, consider volunteering to help out with this task. Email [email protected] to enlist.

If rain or thunderstorms occur later in the day, all coaches, trainers, coordinators, or referees know the safety procedures and are empowered to make a decision based on the weather and field conditions to cancel. We place safety above all; if a someone cancels, abide / follow instructions.

Please understand that on inclement weather days, for every parent or player wishing for soccer to be cancelled, there are three others hoping for the opposite.

If the fields are safe and in playable condition, and the weather is just “unpleasant” we will hold soccer activities. As parents, use your judgement about your players. If your children want to play, dress them accordingly. If your children will be uncomfortable or upset, there is no compunction to attend. Soccer should be fun!